
Normal Child Development - How Your Child Develops in a Normal Way

Every parent is concerned about the development of their child, and wants assurance that their child is growing and developing at a healthy rate. If you are a parent who has a basic understanding of normal child development you will have a clear understanding of how your child is most likely to develop, you'll have a basic calendar of events to look forward to, and you'll be better able to stimulate your child and encourage and assist them in healthy and age appropriate growth and development.

An understanding of normal child development can also draw attention to any potential growth and development challenges your child may encounter along the way. As your child reaches the chronological age that a particular milestone typically occurs in, then you can foster that growth by providing opportunities for your child to learn.

For example, at 12 weeks, an infant who is following the typical path of normal child development is learning to raise their head and shoulders to 90 degrees when they are lying on their belly. A great way to encourage your baby to develop the physical strength to reach this milestone is to allow them ample 'tummy time.'

When your baby is alert and content, lay them on a blanket on the floor; then get right down on the floor with them. Call to your baby, hold a toy out for them to look at, find a way to entertain them for short periods of time so that they have a chance to build up those neck and shoulder muscles. But don't push it. When your baby starts to get fussy, pick them up. Try and fit in a few times throughout the day to allow your baby to explore the world while on their tummy.

Normal child development is gauged in a child's cognitive development as well as their physical development. At around 6 months of age, babies are beginning to develop object permanence, which means that when an object is taken out of their sight they still remember that it exists.

A great way to help your baby develop this cognitive milestone in normal child development is to play peek-a-boo. Cover your face with a blanket and then whip it off with a smile. Your baby will be thrilled to see you re-appear again and again. Eventually, as your baby begins to figure it out, she will take the blanket off your face, because she will suddenly be in on the joke. She will have developed object permanence.

Babies also love to practice object permanence by dropping toys and watching you pick them up. So the next time your baby throws his toy off the high chair for the twentieth time, remind yourself that you are helping him develop his cognitive abilities by continuing to pick that toy up and put it back on the high chair.

A child masters an impressive list of accomplishments during infancy and toddler-hood. They begin life unable to lift their chin or effectively communicate their wants and needs. But week by week babies follow a chain of events developing skills and achieving milestones as they make their way along the path of normal child development. Being aware of these milestones allows us to be more aware and more involved in the growth and development of our child.

Daniel D. Dwase is publisher and co-author of [] - a website for the development of children from birth to teens offering helpful tips and advice for parents, early year's professionals, and students.

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Fidget & Chew Sensory Toy Kit


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