
Benefits of Playing Outside

These days, there's a general trend amongst children to evade outdoor play and activities completely and submerge themselves as deep as they can into the virtual realms of video games. Even when it's sunny and a beautiful day, children just aren't inclined to go outside and play anymore and you can forget the notion completely if it's anywhere near winter season.

The days turn from "nice, warm and sunny" to "cold, bitter and dreary" and there aren't many fans of it as you hardly see anyone outside doing anything.

But what children, teenagers and even parents (to a massive extent) fail to realize is that it is absolutely important to play outside no matter what the weather might be. There are tons of benefits to outdoor play and some of them are:

It Builds Up the Immune System
It isn't surprising to know that children who were raised on farms or lived around or in the vicinity of one tend to be a lot healthier than those who haven't. This is majorly due to the exposure these children get from farms. Children there are more exposed to bacteria, pests, animals and dirt on a regular basis and we all know how modern-day parents feel to all of these.

Modern-day parents like to keep their children away from dirt, pests and animals while thinking it'll be good for them, but in reality, it's the opposite. Children, who come into regular contact with these things, and in a natural way on regular basis, tend to be less likely to develop allergies and autoimmune disorders in later life.

It Provides Exercise
If there's one thing that provides children plenty of what they miss out on while indoors, is physical exercise. And it doesn't feel like exercise to children because they're having tremendous fun playing at the same time. Physical outdoor play stimulates the muscles in children and helps give them the vital cardiovascular training they need. Riding bikes, running or playing tag with friends are all examples of cardiovascular exercise that kids get from an early age, and depriving them of these activities can lead to chronic heath and obesity-related illnesses in later life.

It Stimulates the Imagination
One of the major things (apart from good health) missing from the children of today is a vivid imagination and its proper use. This is partially due to the technological advantages of today's modern world which provides an endless stream of entertainment in movies, games and the internet that kids just aren't bothered about exploring what's outside.

It Helps Develop Problem Solving Skills
Outdoor play vastly improves a child's problem-solving skills too. When they're out in the open and playing cognitive-sensitive games, they're focused far more than they are usually when playing video games. And sports like football and American football are great as they help in this very aspect. Children also learn to resolve conflicts between each other through communication.

It Is a Source Vitamin D
The sun is the best source of Vitamin D and the best part about it is that it's constant. No matter what the condition, if the sun is shining and you or your children are outside, your body is nourishing of natural Vitamin D. And Vitamin D is vital for your children as they play outdoors. It helps promote better energy levels, memory, and health and puts them in an all round better mood. Playing outside daily for 10 to 15 minutes is enough for children to get their necessary dose of Vitamin D.

Jason Walter is a father of two ardent and young explorers and devotes his time to reading and researching. He's also a keen blogger and writer and devotes much of his time writing for parents and how they can encourage their children to live better and healthier. You can follow Jason's work here at commercial playground equipment.

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Musical Instruments Percussion Kit for Children with Autism


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